Olfasense B.V. at conference organised by Russian water association

Olfasense was invited to speak at a special conference devoted to discussing and working out a odour regulation system for water companies in Russia.
The event was organised in Moscow in December 2019 by our Russian distribution partner, the environmental consultancy OCS Group (www.odorlab.ru) together with the Russian Water Supply and Disposal Association (www.raww.ru).
Our consultant Ninya den Haan represented Olfasense at the conference, giving a presentation about Dutch odour policy, with a focus on the wastewater treatment industry.
As a result of the conference, it was decided to:
1. carry out an additional survey amongst water companies in order to collect opinions and suggestions on the following:
- the necessity to enact the right of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to introduce regional odour limits (also considering other countries’ experience);
- the necessity to control odours and to assess the effectiveness of gas treatment equipment (to establish a common method to measure odour);
- the necessity to introduce additional restrictions of residential construction in the impact areas of wastewater discharge facilities of water companies and prohibition of cutting down trees or bushes.
2. initiate introducing amendments to the Set of Rules SP 32.13330.2012 “Sewage System. Outdoor Networks and Facilities”, regulating preventive measures (including installation of gas treatment equipment) for wastewater discharge facilities that are possible odour sources.
If you want to learn more about the conference, OCS group or our experience in the development of regional and national odour policy and odour regulations, please contact envi@olfasense.com.