Successful calibration results for our EK1000 VOC emission test chamber

VOC emission test chamber calibration

At last year’s Odours & Emissions of Plastic Materials Workshop in Kassel, we learned that the SGS Institut Fresenius had officially been approved as a calibration laboratory for emission test chambers by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS). The accreditation was carried out according to ISO 17025:2005 and includes calibration for temperature and humidity parameters.

This news gave us good reason to invite the head of the calibration laboratory, Alexander Höink, to our facilities in December 2020 to have our own EK1000 VOC emission test chamber calibrated by an external accredited laboratory. We wanted to have our own experience and the positive feedback from our clients confirmed by an independent calibration laboratory. We are happy to report that we turned our intentions into a complete success!

At the four measuring points at 18°C, 40°C, 65°C, and 100°C, the EK1000 showed high accuracy with very small deviations from the respective target values.

Particularly the excellent homogeneous spatial and temporal distribution of temperature and humidity at the main operating point at 65°C and 5% relative humidity with deviations of only 0.06k and 0.1% RH is a confirmation of the dedicated development activities.

A really great overall result that makes us very happy and proud and creates confidence among you, our clients.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Alexander Höink and the entire team at SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH for their commitment and cooperation.

If you would like to find out more about the calibration results or the EK1000 VOC emission test chamber, please contact us. Our digital showroom also enables you to experience our chamber virtually.

Contact us for an individual online presentation of the EK1000:

Marc Andresen
Senior Sales Manager
T: +49 431 220 12 14


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