Final programme – 2022 Odour Workshop on Product & Material Testing

Olfasense Odour Workshop - Final programme

The schedule of our 2022 Odour Workshop on Product & Material Testing is now finalized.

We are very glad to welcome CEO Dr. Hans Peter Schlegelmilch from Brain of Materials AG as this year’s keynote speaker. As a recognized VOC and emission testing expert, he will showcase how a digital platform for smart materials can support the optimisation and acceleration of product development processes.

In our closing address, we will gain interesting perspectives on “Life & Olfaction” by Dr. Josep de Haro, otorhinolaryngologist and expert in sensoriality and polysensoriality management.

We look very much forward to also welcoming you on 4 and 5 May 2022 at our Olfasense laboratory facilities in Kiel, Germany.

Since the total number of participants is limited to ensure perfect conditions for in-depth communication, we suggest that you register right away.

Check out the final programme

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Previous editions

Travel information

Our workshop offers a fantastic opportunity to hear from the leading specialists in odour testing, meet up with colleagues to discuss specific odour questions, and to benefit from practical sessions on specific odour measurement techniques in our lab facilities.

Furthermore, you will have the possibility to meet our experts in one-on-one meetings. If you are interested, please indicate accordingly in the registration form.

PM Workshop Testimonials

Please circulate this information to your colleagues/contacts, for whom it may be useful, and let us know if you need any additional information.

Kind regards,
Your Olfasense team


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