Internal Audit Training among Olfasense branch offices

Internal Audit Training among Olfasense branch offices

Ulrik Karlsson, sampling and laboratory technician at Olfasense B.V recently completed a comprehensive two-day Internal Audit Training at Olfasense’s UK office, which was a major win for everyone involved.

ISO 17025, the main and most important standard for calibration and testing laboratories globally, requires labs to perform internal audits to ensure that they comply with both international standards and their own internal standards.

“Having an Internal Audit Training is very practical and enables our team to identify potential improvements in the laboratory’s activities,” Ulrik noted. He appreciated that the course was more odour-specific, making it easier to put theory into practice.

The training course has been designed entirely by Olfasense UK and covered essential standards like ISO 17025 and EN 13725, with a focus on auditing techniques as well as the behavioural aspects of a good auditor. After a multiple-choice exam to test the theoretical knowledge, Ulrik went on to conduct his own internal audits, noting that “the practical work was the most rewarding part of the training for me”.

An initial horizontal audit, going through each point of ISO 17025 to verify that the Dutch Olfasense lab meets the standard’s requirements, was followed by a vertical audit, looking at a recent project from start to finish to ensure everything was done according to the standards and internal quality documents.

Outside the training, Ulrik enjoyed seeing how the Olfasense UK lab operates and appreciated the chance for interlaboratory comparisons. “I got a lot of good insights from the team about the UK lab to take back to our Amsterdam office, so it was definitely a successful trip,” he added.

Reflecting on the experience, Ulrik felt grateful for the opportunity to visit another Olfasense branch. “It’s given me a greater sense of connection to the work we do and the goals we strive for together,” he said, emphasizing the importance of the collaborative spirit across Olfasense’s European offices.

With Ulrik’s new auditing skills, Olfasense B.V. is set to benefit from fresh perspectives and reinforced quality systems. Great job, Ulrik, and thanks to the Olfasense UK team for the valuable training and collaboration!

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