New Olfasense sniffing sticks set – Odour intensity with isovaleric acid

Sniffing sticks isovaleric acid

There is a new Olfasense sniffing sticks set to identify different odour intensity levels of isovaleric acid (sweat smell) for panel training e.g. in the body care, textile or home care industries.

For odour evaluation, it is best to have a homogenous and representative panel. Therefore, Olfasense has developed a new odour intensity test using sniffing sticks.

It contains 6 sniffing sticks as well as 1 solvent reference stick and comes with different options for performance tests.

Find out more about SET 9: Odour intensity with isovaleric acid

If you need a targeted sniffing sticks set or an intensity set with another compound, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements. You can choose from more than 125 available compounds.

To learn more about our sniffing sticks sets, please visit Olfasense Sniffing Sticks.


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