Olfasense organizes odour workshop on product and material testing

We are pleased to announce that Olfasense is organizing their next odour workshop on product and material testing, following the success of former events in India and Spain.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on 28 January 2016 at our testing facilities in Kiel, Germany.

This workshop is open to participants from all industries, and will provide information on odour evaluation of products and materials. Besides a number of presentations from relevant specialists, and practical sessions on specific odour measurement techniques in our lab facilities, you will get the opportunity to discuss specific questions in round-table sessions.

On 29 January, you will also have the unique opportunity to meet our experts in one-on-one interactions to find the right answers to your odour-related questions.

To check out the final program and to get registered, please visit our dedicated workshop webste www.olfasense-workshop.com.

Your Olfasense team


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