SAVE THE DATE – 2017 Olfasense P&M workshop and Technical Training Day

We are happy to announce the 2017 edition of the Olfasense Workshop on Product and Material Testing. As last year, we will welcome you directly at our Olfasense laboratory facilities in Kiel, Germany.
Please mark the 26th of January 2017 in your calendars, and – if you would like to stay up to date on our 2017 workshop – please complete the non-binding pre-registration form.
This workshop will aim at a wide range of industrial sectors that are involved in product and material testing, and will provide information on odour evaluation in this area. Besides a number of presentations from relevant specialists, and practical sessions on specific odour measurement techniques in our lab facilities, you will get the opportunity to discuss specific questions in one-on-one sessions.
As in previous years, we will provide information from past workshops and keep you in the loop on the upcoming workshop via our website
What will be new, is a Technical Training Day, which we are organizing just the day before the workshop, on 25 January, also at our Kiel premises. This event will have a stronger focus on olfactometry equipment, and is intended to share our know-how and help you make the most of your odour measurement equipment. If this is also interesting for you, please indicate accordingly in the pre-registration form.
Additional information and details on the programme of both events will follow shortly.
Kind regards,
Your Olfasense team