SGS Institut Fresenius and Olfasense sign framework agreement for EK1000 calibration services

Olfasense SGS calibration partnership

SGS Institut Fresenius is accredited for the calibration of VOC test chambers for specific temperature and humidity parameters by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), with simultaneous recognition by the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and offers these calibration services internationally.

You can find the exact scope of accreditation via the following link:

In the future, Olfasense will offer interested companies and clients of an EK1000 VOC emission test chamber this calibration service worldwide at the respective installation site as an on-site calibration, which will be carried out by SGS Institut Fresenius.

This framework agreement was signed after Alexander Höink (SGS) and Dietmar Mannebeck (Olfasense) presented the results of the successful EK1000 calibration together at the 23rd Conference Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials.

For questions or for a specific offer, please contact our senior sales manager Marc Andresen (


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