Happy Holidays from the Olfasense Group 🎄🎁🥂

Happy Holidays from the Olfasense Group

At the close of 2022, we gratefully pause to reflect on another successful business year. It has again been a great pleasure to work with you, our Olfasense clients, partners, and friends.

It’s become a lovely tradition to prepare a little Olfasense game to celebrate the holiday season and to enjoy the end-of-year countdown.

This year, we want to test your ability to link certain odour characters to specific chemical compounds. Can you, for instance, tell what caproic acid smells like? 👃🤔💡

Start the challenge via olfasense-xmas-2022.webflow.io

But watch out: this can be tough!

In fact, identifying the chemical compounds responsible for a particular odour is the most demanding task in odour testing. At Olfasense, we meet this challenge with the so-called GC-Sniffing technique (also known as GC-Olfactometry or GCO). Combining the chemical information of a GCMS with the responses of trained human noses makes it the most powerful tool for characterizing and identifying odours. We are pleased to be one of the few laboratories in the world to offer this sophisticated methodology. Please get in touch via contact@olfasense.com to find out how this approach can be applied in your specific use case.

In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful holiday break and we would be excited about working on new projects with you in 2023.

Your Olfasense team


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