Olfasense UK Ltd now fully accredited to revised EN13725:2022 standard

Olfasense UK EN13725 accredited

Olfasense UK Ltd are now fully accredited to the revised EN13725:2022 standard for determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry and odour emission rate.

We are pleased to announce that Olfasense UK Ltd is now fully accredited to the revised EN13725:2022 standard for determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry and odour emission rate. All odour monitoring undertaken for permitting purposes now needs to be compliant to this standard across the UK.

The revised standard introduces a range of changes in relation to odour analysis by olfactometry and odour sampling, which includes the following:

  • Amendments to how the uncertainty of measurements are calculated.
  • A more detailed approach to monitoring odour from open biofilters including a requirement to undertake flow surveys to assess homogeneity of the air flow prior to sampling.
  • A range of changes to odour sampling procedures and sample storage and preservation prior to analysis.
  • Enhancements to health and safety provisions and a general requirement to comply to EN15259:2007.
  • A new approach for sampling emissions from diffuse odour sources.

If you have any questions related to the standard then please contact Louise Warren, Alex Claridge-Ingham or Harry Jandula at uk@olfasense.com or + 44 1225 868869.


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