Olfasense will speak at the 13th International Conference «Detergents and Cleaning Products»

Odour Testing Detergents Cleaning

From 24 – 25 September, the Akademie Fresenius is organizing its 13th International Conference «Detergents and Cleaning Products» in Mainz, Germany.

The conference programme includes topics such as the assessment of air pollutants, building products, odours and sensor technology.

This biannual conference brings together European industry experts to discuss the latest developments in the field of R&D, analytics, quality assurance and performance testing of cleaning products.

Our odour expert Alina Beier will contribute a presentation on “State of the art odour testing methods in the application of cleaning products», providing an overview on odour sampling and odour testing methodologies, including different case studies on odour reduction measurement projects of vacuum cleaner bags and laundry detergents.

Registration is still possible and further information on the event can be found at

13th International Conference «Detergents and Cleaning Products»

If you would like to find out whether Olfasense’s odour testing services can be beneficial for you, feel free to arrange a one-on-one meeting by sending us an email via pm@olfasense.com.


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