Olfasense accompanies quality audit at Indian deodorant testing facility​

Intercultural sensory testing is crucial when it comes to deodorant and​ ​antiperspirant efficacy testing.

Olfasense is​ therefor​e proud to announce that is has successfully completed a ​quality ​audit with the company Beiersdorf (Nivea) ​of the recently opened facility for deodorant and anti-perspirant odour efficacy testing at the Indian laboratory of our cooperation partner Odournet group.

The audit was preceded by a cooperative phase, including intensive know-how transfer and training by Olfasense experts to ensure ​consistent delivery of the best possible sensory analysis results at the Odournet laboratory​.

« We are very glad that Beiersdorf has once more shown their trust in our capabilities to develop innovative and bespoke test designs​, and that we are now able ​to meet the increasing demand for​ deodorant testing in ​the Asian market. » said Björn Maxeiner, director of Olfasense GmbH.

« This project is also proof of the good collaborative relationships in the Olfasense/Odournet network. », Mr. Maxeiner added.

The new lab is already fully operational and first studies will be conducted soon.

For more information please contact:

Björn Maxeiner – Olfasense GmbH (bmaxeiner@olfasense.com)

Rajal Shinkre – Odournet Holding India Pvt Ltd (rshinkre@odournet.com)


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