Limited seats left – Olfasense P&M workshop and Technical Training Day

We are delighted with the tremendous response to our 2017 odour workshops.

Even though it is more than two months away (25 & 26 January), the registration list is filling up quickly for both, the Olfasense P&M Workshop and Technical Training Day.

If you were thinking about attending, please book now to secure your seat.

Preliminary programme – P&M workshop
Preliminary programme – Technical Training Day

Our workshops offer a fantastic opportunity to hear from the leading specialists in odour testing and meet up with colleagues to discuss specific odour questions.

Speakers include Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Simat, Chair of Food Science and Consumer Goods at the University of Technology Dresden, Dr. Hansruedi Gygax, Fragrance & Flavour Science Expert, as well as Michael McGinley, Laboratory Director at St. Croix Sensory, Inc.

Furthermore, you will have the possibility to meet our experts in one-on-one meetings. If you are interested, please indicate accordingly in the registration form.

Please circulate this information to your colleagues/contacts, for whom it may be useful, and let us know if you need any additional information.

Kind regards,
Your Olfasense team


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