Join us at the Conference of Odours and VOCs in the Environment

Olfasense is glad to announce that we will be part of the 4th edition of the Conference of Odours and VOCs in the Environment, which is taking place on 20-21 September 2017 in Valladolid, Spain.

Together with our Colombian partners Inco Ambiental, we will have a joint exhibition stand to showcase the leading instruments and software for environmental odour management.

Inco Ambiental, who are setting up their own odour laboratory at the moment, is a leading environmental consultancy in Colombia with over 30 years experience in public and industrial sectors. Exhibiting together at the Conference of Odours and VOCs in the Environment will contribute to meeting the increasing demand for odour measurement equipment in the Latin American market.

In addition to our stand, our specialist Marc Andresen has submitted a technical paper on the topic of odour management systems.

We would like to thank AMIGO/ and particularly Carlos Diaz and his team for organising this event, which has established itself as largest odour conference in the Spanish and Latin American market. We are proud to be part of this success story since its early days with prior editions in Madrid, Santiago de Chile and Bilbao.

We are looking forward to an exciting few days of expertise sharing with our colleagues. If you are interested in setting up a one-on-one meeting during the conference, please contact:

Marc Andresen
P: +49 431 220 1214


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