Olfasense and Ortelium at the ECOMONDO

Olfasense and Ortelium at the ECOMONDO

Meet our team at the ECOMONDO 2018, the leading Euro-Mediterranean expo for the environmental service sector, taking place in Rimini, Italy during 6 and 9 November 2018.

Together with our Italian partners from LEnviroS, we will welcome you at booth 047 in Hall D2, where we will showcase our world-leading odour measurement equipment, and our environmental data intelligence platform Ortelium, which allows you to access, edit and share environmental data efficiently and securely, for smarter decision-making right now.

If you are interested in setting up a one-on-one meeting with our team during ECOMONDO, please contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with a voucher to gain free entry to the exhibition.

Kind regards,
Your Olfasense team


Marc Andresen (mandresen@olfasense.com)
Christoph Mannebeck (cmannebeck@olfasense.com)


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