Registration for the VDA 270 proficiency test 2022 now open

For the 10th time since 2004, Olfasense offers the proficiency test for the automobile guideline VDA 270 – Determination of the odour characteristics of trim materials in motor vehicles.
We cordially invite you to participate in this interlaboratory comparison, which offers 2 participation options:
The standard proficiency test, containing the following types of material:
Group 1: Hard plastics
Group 2: Thin layer materials
Group 3: Foam & textiles
Group 4: Leather (real) – available for a restricted number of 25 laboratories only!
The measurements for the proficiency test need to be carried out between 14 – 25 November 2022. Like in the past, this proficiency test is combined with training sets for the preparation of each participant. These enable the participant to reach and reinforce a common understanding of the VDA 270 scale.
Download the announcement & invitation to participate
Please confirm your participation by 29 July 2022 at the latest.
For further information, please send an email to