Olfasense poster at the 32nd IFSCC 2022 Congress

During 19 and 22 September, you will have the possibility to meet our UK odour expert George Dunmore at the 32nd IFSCC 2022 Congress, which is hosted by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists in London.
At the IFSCC congress with the focus topic ‘Where Beauty, Science and Innovation meet’, George will present a poster entitled « Odour testing in cosmetic and personal care products: Identifying off-notes in a face cream using GC-Sniffing-MS ».
The poster will illustrate the usefulness of the GC-Sniffing-MS approach to identify the volatile organic compounds (VOC) causing unpleasant olfactory notes in a facial moisturizing cream. Thanks to this information, the appropriate measures could be taken to optimize the formulation of the facial cream and optimize its olfactory perception.
So come by to learn more. George would be happy to discuss the latest developments in personal care and cosmetics odour testing with you.
If you are not able to travel to London there is also the option to attend virtually!
The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists ( IFSCC) is an international association dedicated to international cooperation in cosmetic science and technology. The IFSCC congress is a major international event giving you the opportunity to listen to the latest findings, share best practices, discuss trends, and network with industry scientists, academics, suppliers, and brand developers from all over the world.
Find out more on the event website: www.ifscc2022.com
If you would like to arrange a one-on-one meeting beforehand, please feel free to send us an email via pm@olfasense.com.