Tabea Lamprecht

Tabea completed her Master of Science in « Ecotoxicology » at RWTH Aachen University in 2020 and then worked as a research assistant at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH).

During her Master’s degree, she focussed intensively on the origin, spread and impact of pollutants in the environment. In her Master’s thesis, she worked primarily in the field of sample preparation and analysis of sediment samples.

She is currently gaining knowledge and practical experience in various odour projects with different focuses. She mainly supervises emission measurements with a view to the overall organisation, carries out the sampling and prepares the result reports. In the area of dispersion calculations, Tabea is currently familiarising herself with the Austal model and initial projects.

She is the contact person for all customers who would like to have their samples measured by us.

Project Engineer / Junior Consultant

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