EKV – Appareil de pré-dilution pour les chambres d’essai d’émission de COV

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The ISO 12219-7 and BMW GS 97014-4 are two methods that describe the determination of the olfactory behaviour of components, semi-finished products, and material samples used in the vehicle interior using VOC emission test chambers like the Olfasense EK1000.

Part of these methods is to transfer the air from a VOC emission test chamber into a sample bag (either actively using a sampling device or passively by directly connecting the sample bag to the sample connection) and to dilute the air in a ratio of 1:4 (ISO 12219-7) or 1+3 (GS 97014- 4) before the sample is presented to the odour panelist using a direct presentation device (e.g. Pure Sniff II, III and XL).

So far, there have been at least 2 work steps to be done: sampling and pre-dilution.

The EKV pre-dilution device for VOC emission test chambers combines both work steps in a single one, which increases your efficiency in everyday laboratory work. The EKV is a dilution system operated by compressed air with a gas jet pump (Venturi nozzle) for the active suction and dilution of air samples at the sample connection of an emissions test chamber.

The fixed and calibrated dilution ratio (default settings on delivery 1:4 (1+3), including a proprietary calibration certificate in accordance with ISO 17025) actively transfers the diluted sample air into a sample bag with the highest accuracy.

The system consists of an air supply panel and a pump head, which can be mounted with a Swagelok screw connection on the sample connections of the emission test chamber (e.g. Olfasense EK250A or EK1000). The air supply panel has magnetic feet and can be installed on a desk or on a wall of the emission test chamber.

EKV - Pre-dilution device for VOC emission test chambers

Details & Technical Data

  • Pre-dilution system according to EN 13725, ISO 12219-7 and BMW GS 97014-4
  • Dilution set to 1:4. Other settings on request.
  • Sampling and pre-dilution
  • PTFE and stainless steel (EN 13725)
  • Easy to use and connect
  • Low noise level
  • Precise sample pre-dilution
General Details
Olfasense GmbH, Germany
Dimension (L x W x H)
200 x 200 x 130 mm
2.4 kg
Dilution ratio
Air supply
Analytically pure laboratory air with a pre-pressure of 3 - 8 bar

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