Emission Test Chamber EK 250 – Highlights November 2016

imat-uve uses EK 250 in BAM round robin test
imat-uve, an innovative design and engineering service provider with approved expertise in emission testing and VOC analysis, used our emission test chamber EK 250 in the recent round robin test on the measurement of VOCs from building materials using test chambers, organized by the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).
For the round robin test a lacquer was supplemented with some VOC that also might be found in indoor air or might be emitting from building products or furniture. These VOC had to be identified and quantified by the 49 participating laboratories.
In addition to using our chamber, imat-uve participated with another, well-established emission test chamber of a renowned manufacturer.
We are pleased that – according to preliminary results – both chambers led to very similar figures.
Olfasense installs laboratory showroom
We invite you to use our newly installed laboratory showroom for a trial run, to perform your own tests and experience the EK 250 at first hand.
Our Olfasense engineers will gladly assist you with your individual trial run.
To arrange your personal lab session today, please contact Marc Andresen, mandresen@olfasense.com.