Olfasense B.V. passes annual audit with flying colours

Olfasense B.V. passes annual audit with flying colours

In May 2024, the Raad voor Accreditatie, the Dutch accreditation body, visited Olfasense B.V. for the annual audit.

The auditors concluded that Olfasense has competent staff members, who work according to the latest standards (such as EN13725:2022) and with state-of-the-art equipment (such as our TO evolution olfactometer).

You can visit Olfasense Odour Laboratory Accreditations for details on the accredited odour testing services we can offer you.

Please feel free to contact us via nl@olfasense.com if you need odour analyses in accordance with EN13725:2022, or for any other odour related issues!


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