Our certified distributors
In addition to direct sales and support, Olfasense serves its clients via a global network of certified distributors to offer the highest levels of service across the whole globe. Our distributors are chosen carefully to ensure our clients can enjoy the best local service. Click through the list to find out more.

Beijing Jinhongfan Trading Co., Ltd
Beijing Jinhongfan Trading Co., Ltd is Olfasense’s exclusive distributor for China and Macau.

Inco Ambiental Ltda
Inco Ambiental Ltda is our exclusive distributor in the Colombian market for Olfasense’s vast portfolio of odour measurement equipment and software technology. Inco Ambiental, headquartered in Cali, is a leading environmental consultancy in Colombia with over 30 years experience in public and industrial sectors such as food processing, chemicals, asphalt, breweries and healthcare, among others.

LEnviroS S.r.l.
LEnviroS is the official sales representative for Olfasense technologies in Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City.
Just like Olfasense, LEnviroS operates its own accredited laboratory environment for odour measurement and consultancy and is a long-time and very experienced user of Olfasense technology and software. This makes LEnviroS the ideal partner for Olfasense, following our claim to serve “from users for users”.

Hornik Sp. z o.o.
Hornik has been Olfasense’s exclusive sales partner in Poland since 2007, offering great expertise in supporting clients to set up their odour laboratory.

OCS Group LLC is our exclusive distributor in Russia and Kazakhstan for Olfasense’s vast portfolio of odour measurement equipment and our environmental data intelligence application Ortelium. OCS Group LLC is headquartered in Moscow and runs an independent odour measurement laboratory, which assists industrial and agricultural enterprises, engineering and consulting firms, as well as local authorities in measuring and managing odours.

ECM ECO Monitoring, a.s.
ECM ECO Monitoring, a.s. is Olfasense’s sales partner in the Slovac Republic. With offices all over Southeastern Europe, the company is offering state of art solutions for broad range of monitoring systems targeting different industries.

St. Croix Sensory
St.Croix is Olfasense’s exclusive distributor in the North American market for Olfasense’s extensive portfolio of odour measurement equipment, including the new TO evolution olfactometers and Ortelium® . St. Croix Sensory is the leading odour laboratory in North America with international recognition in the field of odour measurement.