VOC emission test chamber with passive temperature control
The quality of indoor air is strongly influenced by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from materials and products, including construction and building products, such as adhesives, furniture, paints, and many more.
The Olfasense VOC emission test chamber with passive temperature control allows characterization of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from these materials under precise test conditions, and is fully compliant with the requirements of ISO 16000-9, EN 16516, EN 717-1, and GEV Testing Method.
The standard size of the chamber is 250l. Various other chamber volumes are optionally available.
Our chambers have been developed in close cooperation with experts from industry and research and can be used for a broad analytical performance spectrum via 4 sample ports.
The chamber is ready to be used in a temperature-controlled room under general indoor air conditions. If you are looking for a VOC emission test chamber with active temperature control and/or thermal desorption option, please check out our VOC emission test chamber with active temperature control.

- 250l VOC emission test chamber (225l, 240l, or other volumes optionally available)
- Compact, robust, competitively priced
- „Emission-free“ test chamber
- To be used in a temperature-controlled room under general indoor air conditions
- High accuracy and performance of all normative parameters
- Adjustable ventilation fan and (optional) hot-wire anemometer for optimized test specimen location
- Prevention of contamination from the surrounding environment
- Minimal adsorption effects
Standard compliance
Fully compliant with:
- ISO 16000-9 (VOC emissions from building products and furnishing)
- EN 16516 (VOC emissions from construction products)
- EN 717-1 (Formaldehyde emissions from wood-based panels)
- GEV Testing Method (VOC emissions from products for flooring installation, adhesives, and building materials)
If you have additional requirements, please ask for your tailormade product solution. In case your specific test method is not listed, our application experts will be happy to confirm if the chamber meets the requirements of your testing standard. Please contact us!
Optional extension with additional chambers
The Olfasense VOC emission test chambers are equipped with a universal base unit, which offers you the possibility to add additional chambers, also at a later stage.
This modular design allows you to configure your chamber solution individually, even if you decide to purchase only one chamber initially.
Please visit VOC emission test chamber system EK mRack or contact our experts via sales@olfasense.com to learn more about the features and benefits offered.
Additional images
Technical Data
687 x 962 x 1824 mm - size of chamber rack
612 x 832 x 1820 mm - size of base unit
40 kg - of chamber rack
140 kg - weight of base unit
(225l, 240l or other volumes optionally available)
(other connections optionally available)