Olfasense GmbH receives funding for an R&D project on the development of reference materials

Olfasense erhält Förderung für die INDEX 2020 // Olfasense receives funding for INDEX 2020

Olfasense GmbH has been granted funding for an R&D project on the development of reference materials by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.

The aim of the funded innovative R&D project is the development of reference substances that mimic real odour samples and can be produced with high repeatability. These will innovate and improve the selection of odour panelists, as well as their training and referencing, with the result of a lower distribution of results, increased reproducibility, and comparability of odour measurements.

Odour panelists are used in a variety of measuring methods and applications. In order to be selected to work in a quality-assured laboratory, they must demonstrate certain abilities and meet the requirements as described in different standards. Training with reference odours is an essential element in gaining and maintaining these abilities. The range of standardized and suitable reference odours is not sufficient today.

The grant is provided within the framework of the economic development programme (Landesprogramm Wirtschaft), with funding under the “Joint Federal/Länder Task for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures” (GRW) in accordance with the directive on “Promotion of Corporate Innovation” (BFEI).

If you would like to learn more about the project, please get in touch with:

Dr. Nathalie Nibbe (nnibbe@olfasense.com).


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