EN 13725 proficiency test postponed to September


As organisers of the EN 13725 proficiency test, we have been following closely the evolution of the situation regarding COVID-19.

In these unprecedented times, we want to ensure that we have plans in place to support our clients. Taking into account that many participants are affected by staff shortages or temporary closure, we have taken the decision to reschedule this year’s edition of our EN 13725 proficiency test to September 2020.

The newly defined dates for registration and measurements are as follows:

  • Please confirm your participation by May 29, 2020 at the latest.
  • The measurements for the proficiency test need to be carried out between September 7 and September 11, 2020, inclusive.
  • Individual results must be sent to Olfasense GmbH and received before September 25, 2020, 22:00 GMT.

Additional information can be found in the updated announcement and invitation.

Updated Announcement and Invitation

We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to move dates, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please also note that we will re-evaluate the situation regarding COVID-19 at the latest 4 weeks before the newly-planned execution of the interlaboratory test. If necessary, the schedule will be further adjusted, and we will inform you accordingly.

Thanks for your understanding!

Your Olfasense team


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